The Truth About Inherited TALENT

You have been practicing and studying your art for countless hours, and you have been improving, but then it all feels pointless when you see a video an 8 year-old Chinese kid do your art 10 times better. It makes you feel like you are not talented, it makes you feel like maybe this kid was just special. But then, that just feels like an excuse, and maybe you should just practice more, but then, how far can you really get by just practicing more? how relevant is this inherited talent that some people seem to have?

Blogs About ART

How Can An Artificial Intelligence Create Art And Be Creative?

Can computers make art and actually be creative… I think they can. However, I believe it’s the software developers who are making these artificial intelligences the ones that are limiting the computers potencial. I’ll show you how.

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Blogs About ART

Artist Explains What It Means To Be Creative

Do you know how people consider artist to be very creative people? Well, as an artist I can tell you that that yes, we are kind of creative, but do you know exactly how? I’ll show you how.

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Blogs About ART

The Only Art Appreciation Lesson You Will Ever Need

Everyone knows how to appreciate art, It’s not a hard thing to do. If You have ever tapped your food to any song ever that’s art appreciation, If I show you these two paintings and you can tell me which one you like better that is art appreciation. It is only hard when there is […]

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